The First Folio of Shakespeare
Raphael Holinshed's "Historie of Scotlande"
Holinshed’s Historie of Scotlande & William Shakespeare’s Macbeth
Schlegel & Tieck "Shakespeare's Dramatische Werke"
Schlegel-Tieck Hamlet
Margaret Cavendish "The Blazing World"
Lisa Jardine "Still Harping on Daughters: Women and Drama in the Age of Shakespeare"
Stephen Greenblatt "Shakesperean Negotiations"
Hedwig Schwarz and her German translations
Paul Edmondson and Stanley Wells "All the Sonnets of Shakespeare"
Heinrich Heine "Shakespeares Mädchen und Frauen"
The Tempest, illustrated by Edmund Dulac
David Garrick's edition of "Romeo & Juliet"
Double Falsehood
Arden of Feversham